I write alot about charachter-based leadership.  The good news is Character competencies can be developed. So we can change who we are on the inside.  

‘Heroes have character 

I love this blog post by Lolly Dask. She tells of a heroic act by a veteran that saved the life of another, not on the battlefield, but the subway!  

Heroism is not about special powers, special people or special circumstances. It’s about the stuff on the inside of us.

Finding the hero in you

Heroes pay a price.  They live out their values and are disciplined in transforming their inner life, as much as their outer life, e.g. via exercise.  Inner transformation is hard. It reqiuires being honest with ourselves. The good news is we don’t do it alone. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in. Holy Spirit transforms us as the Spirit brings to life God’s renewing word. 

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind

This doesn’t mean if you’re not a person of faith all hope is lost. We can all develop our character.
Take action

So as we approach 2018 what actions will you take to renew your inner man, to develop your character?

If you want help assessing your character and developing it contact me today:

via email: felicia@purposed4leadership.com or

±44 0208 8133 1903


I’m offering a special US $95 package to help you develop your character. It includes an assessment and a 30 min coaching session with me.

Even if you don’t want to take up the package, feel free to make contact. I’d be happy to give you hints and tips or to pray with you .