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Our flagship course – Leadership Transition is available digitally so contact us today to get more details.
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Whether you are an aspiring leader, a seasoned leader or an organisation who wants to develop it’s leaders we’d love to hear from you. Let’s talk and see how we can serve you!
What is a Community Interest Company?
A CIC a type of company introduced by the United Kingdom government in 2005 under the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good.
What does P4L have to do with Kitch Consulting and Coaching Ltd
P4L is affiliated with Kitch Consulting and Coaching Ltd (KCCL) as the co-founder of P4L is the owner and Director of KCCL.
KCCL supports P4L by donations, sharing expertise and some intellectual property as relates to training.
What does it mean that you are a 'faith-based' company
Our company is built on the foundation of a belief in Jesus Christ as the one who came to “seek and save the lost’.
We don’t push religion but all our programmes are founded on Universal Principles drawn from the Bible, such as “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.” (Luke 6:31)
Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others (Phillipians 2:4)
What is a Purposed Leader
We believe leadership is not about title or position. It can be anyone who has a sense or calling, if you will, to achieve a goal or vision bigger than themselves for the benefit of others.
What do leaders do?
We believe that great leaders Inspire others to partner with them in fulfilling the goal or vision, they Serve others believing in their abilities and drawing out the greatness within them. Lastly, they Connect with others in an uthentic way.
How can you help my organisation?
We exist to generate profit to be used for the good of our target group, disadvantaged youth.
To do this we provide coaching and training services to value-led organisations and/or those organisations seeking to shift their culture to focus on holistic success, i.e. the triple-bottom-line (People, Planet and Profit)
passion . personality . purpose . principles
Ask us about Training !
We facilitate leadership development courses with a difference. We know organisations cannot succeed without great leadership at all levels. Let us help you and your team succeed!