You may have heard me say before that Leadership is not about title. In essence leaders inspire, connect and serve others. To do this leaders must develop their personal leadership effectiveness (PLE). This means a leader must be able to govern themselves first! ...
I haven’t blogged in a while as I’m preparing something new at Purposed4Leadership. I’m also working on a mini-leadership course on Passion, Personality, Purpose and Principle. Underpinning it all is how our soul when connected to the heart of God...
I’ve had a great week in Lincoln visiting family, despite the cold! I also had the opportunity to spend time with those we now refer to as ‘Millenials’, a term many use in a negative context. What struck me was that far from being this narsasitic...
I write alot about charachter-based leadership. The good news is Character competencies can be developed. So we can change who we are on the inside. ‘Heroes have character I love this blog post by Lolly Dask. She tells of a...
There is much talk about key leadership competencies. Developing our competencies is important. This includes our natural talents? However, what we do with them is even more important. What are competencies? Competencies are knowledge, skills and abilities (talents)...
Last week I wrote about 3 requirements for great leadership, Passion, Purpose and Principle. I had quite a few questions from readers. The most frequently asked question was, which of the 3 requirements for Leadership, is most important. This week I try and answer...
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