You may have heard me say before that Leadership is not about title. In essence leaders inspire, connect and serve others. To do this leaders must develop their personal leadership effectiveness (PLE). This means a leader must be able to govern themselves first! ...
I write quite a bit on how Purposed Leaders are servant leaders. Today my friend and mentor shares how despite the talk of ‘White Supremacy’ this tendency belongs to all people groups and there is only one remedy servant leadership. Read...
Happy Easter I haven’t posted for a while because we are working on an expanded vision and new site for Purposed4Leadership. We are in a time of transformation, which is apt given it is Easter time! I send Easter Blessings to all of you. Easter is a time to...
I haven’t blogged in a while as I’m preparing something new at Purposed4Leadership. I’m also working on a mini-leadership course on Passion, Personality, Purpose and Principle. Underpinning it all is how our soul when connected to the heart of God...
Happy New Year folks! Wishing you a productive and purposeful 2018. Many people like to make resolutions at this time of year. For me I like to reflect on the year and think about the lessons I’ll take into the next year. After all Leaders are...
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